Just a glimpse into the
Weston Museum Exhibits

Displays throughout the museum feature vintage clothing from early Weston residents. Learn the personal stories that bring the past to life.

Visit the museum to see our beautifully displayed exhibits including Civil War artifacts, a rare handmade quilt from the First World War which includes a signature from First Lady Edith Wilson, a working gramophone with records, pioneer tools, and many more items from Weston’s fascinating past.

Director’s Choice Exhibits

The Weston Historical Museum has thousands of items. Each quarter, the museum director will choose a few to highlight. Check back often!


International Hotel

memorabilia from early Weston

native American items

Fifth Friday Showcase

Watch for our Fifth Friday video demonstrations in this space.
There are 4 months with 4 Fridays in 2024.
Mark your calendars to stop by here on the last Friday in March, May, August and November.

Here’s an extra bonus video so you can see how short and informative our Director is keeping these special web exhibits for you!